Riccoboni new generation
Social Responsibility

Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Foundation)
The Riccoboni Group, through Grassano SpA, is one of the founding partners of the Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Foundation), which has for years been a fixed point of reference in Italy for the development of the entire green economy system.
The Foundation provides assistance to businesses and organisations in the spheres of sustainability and responsibility, as well as in all of the strategic areas of the green economy: the circular economy, climate and energy, green cities and sustainable mobility.
In addition to creating and disseminating publications and studies, conducting research and creating spaces for constructive dialogue, here are some of the other principal projects in which its involvement is ongoing: It organises the Premio per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Award); it acted as a driving force behind the formation of the Green Economy Network and the Green City Network; it sponsored Italy for Climate, an initiative to encourage the implementation of an Italian climate agenda in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement; it organises the Stati Generali della Green Economy (General Assemblies for the Green Economy).

The Uspidalet Foundation
“To make it possible for our fellow citizens to be cared for with state-of-the-art equipment, in a comfortable environment, without having to face long and costly stays in facilities elsewhere.” That is the goal of the Uspidalet Foundation, a not-for-profit that collects funds to develop projects linked primarily to Alessandria’s three public hospitals: the “Cesare Arrigo” Children's Hospital, one of Italy’s top paediatric health facilities; the “Santi Antonio e Biagio” Hospital, which serves patients from the provinces of Alessandria and Asti, whose combined populations of 650,000 are spread across 300 municipalities; and the “Centro Riabilitativo Polifunzionale Borsalino” multi-purpose rehabilitation centre.
The Foundation designs its activities to be in synergy and in line with the planning choices of the “Santi Antonio e Biagio” and “Cesare Arrigo” hospitals, in order to help build a healthcare system that is efficient and outfitted with the latest equipment and devices.
The Riccoboni Group, through Grassano SpA, has been a Gold Member of the Foundation since 2019. One of its first commitments was to actively participate in the #iofacciolamiaparte (I do my part) campaign to donate the equipment needed to bolster the intensive and sub-intensive care units belonging to the Alessandria hospital group during the emergencies that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
With regard to the decision to join the Foundation, Marco Riccoboni had this to say:
We first came into contact with the Uspidalet Foundation thanks to a dear friend, who was already involved in activities with the non-profit and invited us to a fundraising dinner that was held in October 2019 to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of its founding. On that occasion, we were won over by the genuine enthusiasm about future projects that was evident during the presentation and throughout the course of the evening. The atmosphere was very much one of serenity, and the guests were treated as friends, whether long-standing donors or newcomers like ourselves. We thus immediately recognised that Uspidalet’s values corresponded to those of the ethical model that had been passed down to my brother Angelo and I from our father, and which we apply to how we run of our family’s holding company. That model demands that we view the world around us with concern and responsibility, guaranteeing a future for our employees in the same way we do for our own loved ones. We are therefore very glad to have become—through our company Grassano SpA—members of the Uspidalet Foundation, committing to providing our help to make Foundation projects a reality and generate incentive to expand fundraising activities for the hospitals that serve this community, of which we feel we are an integral part.