The Riccoboni Group’s third Sustainability Report, released the same year as its 60th birthday, shows the consolidation of the path undertaken in terms of a solid commitment to achieving the Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals.
It is a voluntary report. This path helps provide a report for our stakeholders on how much we are doing but, above all, it helps raise awareness in the company about the issue of sustainability to make it an increasingly integral part of the business.
The 2023 report presents our major results, both economic as well as environmental and social: we are proud of these factors of growth and they prove our commitment to the Group’s sustainable development.
The Report transparently shows the responsibility which we feel and put into practice every day to our people, the companies in the Group’s value chain, as well as the institutions and communities where we operate.
We consider drafting the Report an integral part of the commitment we put into our work and this task allows us to understand how much good we are already doing, how much we have improved over time and what we can do to improve further still.
Working group and method
The 2023 Report is another step forward for the Riccoboni working group, which we have supported as external consultants. In view of when publishing the Report becomes compulsory for the Group in 2026, we have further improved our reporting this year, making sure that it complies with CSRD and ESRS requirements wherever possible. This work started with the 2022 report and took another significant step in 2023, consolidating various elements and introducing new KPIs.
The report contains in-depth analysis of the company’s business model and details how it is influenced and influences sustainability issues: the impacts which led to the updating of the double materiality matrix have been reviewed, as well as the risk management model which, alongside any ESG risks, contains in-depth analysis of the risks posed by climate change and the expected financial effects, in terms of quality. Stakeholder engagement and analysis were consolidated in 2023 and the foundations have been laid for an expansion process into the value chain.
Finally, the KPIs provided by the ESRS were taken into account, wherever possible, for the various parts of the document, with a special focus on governance, both in terms of targets and actions and in the internal communication and description phase.
This document shows the degree of maturity by Riccoboni Holding and is the result of a path of awareness involving the BoD and the first lines of all the Group’s companies. The working group created in 2023 was consolidated, which was formed by involving staff from the areas of Communication, Human Resources, Finance & Accounting, Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety, as well as Research and Development.
The data
In the 2023 Report, we consolidated both our reporting phase and our approach to sustainability in terms of interaction with the company’s business, identifying new goals or checking the state of progress for any targets set in previous years.
In particular, goals and actions were identified for each part of the report.
In the environmental section, special attention was paid to waste management, separating the waste produced by the company itself and the waste generated on behalf of clients: the destination was specified for each category, reported every three years to give a better idea of the performance. Alongside waste, data was reported on the energy mix and CO2 production, highlighting an intensity indicator for both of them in relation to the volume which helped put the reduction from the previous year into perspective; data was also reported on water consumption, focusing on the Eco.Impresa plant which is located in an area under severe water stress, as well as data on air pollution.
In the social section, alongside data on staff growth and their relative composition, data was indicated on staff training and protection as well as health and safety, along with the activities carried out in the region in 2022, which helped share the value generated by the company with all the communities involved.
Finally, the governance section describes the corporate structure and its composition and is completed with a focus on business conduct and in-house policies, examining the important numbers of economic value generated and distributed in relation to the previous financial year.